First workshop – 1945
Masters Ali and Ziya had establish a small workshop of lathes at Karaköy which would be foundation of Vastas. They had been involved with establishment of pumping and generator system, including maintenance, repair and field services. Small workshop would have been enlarged under various brand names such as (Ergin Makina, Ali , DSO) at various locations Kasımpaşa, Hasköy, Sütlüce and Ayvansaray. They manufacture capstans & mobile cranes (excavator) until the end of nineteen sixties.

First Valve Production – 1967
First plug and diaphragm type valves have been realized upon request of a multinational company Unilever and a long journey, already a half century today, has been initiated at Ayvansaray Workshop.
Ergat – 1971
A collective type company, so called ERGAT, has been established in order to focus production of industrial valves. As a result of R&D works, between 1967-1973, they start to produce gate, check, globe, ball valve types in addition to plug, diaphragm valves.

Corporate Status / Vastas brand was born – 1979
A new form of company has been found in order to provide quality products & expert services under clean environment for pipelines, so called “Vastas” was born.
First Investment – 1986
New plant was built at Cerkezkoy OSB, Tekirdag with 4500 m2 covered area on a land of 27000 m2, which enlarged the company’s capacity by 500%.

Crisis & Downsizing – 1994
Economical crisis hit Vastas seriously and resulted a 75% reduction of the company. At the mean time however, Vastas laid the foundation of the existing plant it owns now.
R&D, Type Approval & Licences – 2003
Vastas was the first Turkish valve manufacturer who owned API 6D, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 & CE certificates and moreover being a Turkish company realizes another first by building a QHSE Integrated Management System.

Re-enlargement & Improvement – 2004
After receipt of the leading manufacturer status for the pipeline valves, Vastas increased its capacity by 110% and it’s overall sales by 250% within 6 years through hard working and enlargement investments.
Product Development & Licence – 2006
API 600 monogram license and type approval certificates have been received for related products. R&D works were initiated for the pipeline valves which are currently preferred at the first rank by Turkish and Middle East companies.

Growth & Sustainable Development – 2011
Vastas continued to invest during last 5 years and increased it’s personnel and production capacity by 250%. 60% of total production within this period was realized as export.
Turkey’s Biggest NGPL Ball Valve – 2012
Vastas produced Turkey’s biggest NGPL Ball Valve 56 inches. API 6A, API 602 certificates have been received for related products.

International Quality Award, Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Certified – 2015
The leading valve manufacturer of Europe and Middle East, Vastas has been granted the ‘International Quality Star Award’ by Business Initiative Directions (B.I.D.), which is an award given to selected companies annually to encourage their sectorial leadership on quality, innovation, and technology.
Production of 48” Top Entry Ball Valve and the first valve company certificated Safety Integrity Level.
ASME-U Designator Certificate – 2016
Vastas successfully acquired Asme U Designator (Stamp U) Asme Sec. VIII, Div I

Milestone Reference – 2017
Vastas earns a mistone reference, producing all tank storage and pipeline valves of the giant airport IGA (Istanbul Grand Airport).
Vastas has developed more than 8000 valve project and supplied products and services to more than 75 countries in 6 continents of the world.
API 600 monogram license and type approval certificates have been received for related products. R&D works were initiated for the pipeline valves which are currently preferred at the first rank by Turkish and Middle East companies.